Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Life has been crazy busy lately... and good!

It's harvest! Harvest is actually almost done by now! So exciting! That means more family time, and we can have a first year behind us! Casey has been working so hard, I'm so proud of him! :)

I am really excited to see all the bright Fall colors this year. Being from Central California, Fall means everything goes from blah dried out brown to green, and then it gets foggy for a few months .... that's all. But here, all the fields go from bright green to brown, and the trees really put on a show before they finally lose their leaves. Which hasn't really happened all the way yet, the trees are just starting. Yay! Maybe after a few years here I won't be as amazed, but I hope not to lose that. It feels special to put on a jacket, bake apple pie, look at pumpkin recipes, and be outside enjoying it all! There are SEASONS here! All with their pros and cons, but I am happy to see them this year! I've got to put pictures up!

Speaking of seasons.. there is hunting season. I probably shouldn't kid myself that I'll see Casey a whooole lot more after harvest cause he'll be gone in some tree stand or duck blind or something... oh well! :)

In pregnancy news...

I am 32 weeks/8 months as of Sunday. We have less than 8 weeks to go, and we are soo excited! There's baby showers coming up, finishing the nursery stuff, reality has to set in a bit (don't know if it will)... all sorts of things to get ready for this little one! :) I am really enjoying being pregnant! Ya, there are the long nights of repeated trips to the bathroom, waking up every time you have to roll over, sitting there with your mind spinning, and you lose almost all brain function in decision making, and so on but it's sooo worth it! There's a BABY that's YOURS at the end of it all!!!

There is something that I feel I need to tell the world though... If you don't know a pregnant woman, don't touch her belly!! It's just gross, and very uncomfortable. Maybe some pregnant woman like complete strangers touching their body, but I am definitely not one of them, so please don't do it, or attempt it. EW! EW!

The nursery has had some changes, there are new curtains up, and the deer are out of there! Yay! I will post pictures once it's closer to being finished!

Until then ... take care!