It was amazing to be there and to see them graduate! Nicole and Lorelei are doing awesome, and amazingly got to be together almost the whole time in bootcamp.
This is the drill hall where the graduation was held. It was packed!
Here is Nicole and Lorelei's division, Division 340
All the divisions that graduated that day. Over 900 new sailors!
Close up of Division 340. I know it's pretty much impossible to see the girls. Nikki is holding the flag on the farthest left, and you can see Lorelei standing to the immediate right of the flag on the farthest right.
Once the graduation ended, everyone in the whole building rushed to see eachother, it was great! We couldn't wait to congratulate and hug the girls!
After the graduation we had 8 hours to be with the girls. They had to check back in to the barracks and rest up for their flight leaving early the next morning to Maryland.
All the family went to Longhorn Steakhouse for a celebration lunch with our Sailors!
The girls arrived in style with my Uncle Paul!
Our table, there were so many of us we asked the waitress to take a picture from each side of the table.
The food at the restaurant was a nice change from bootcamp meals!
Here they are! Lorelei and Nikki, I couldn't be more proud of you!