Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another Milestone

Josey stood up for the first time this afternoon. Wow, what a big girl! She just had her diaper changed, and has always been eyeballing our remotes. Once she squirmed away from me, with her new diaper, she went right to the chair and pulled herself up!

Here's a video for the grandparents!! ... AND everyone else! :)

I'm saying she's naughty because she knows she's not supposed to have the remotes. How bad is it that her motivation for standing for the first time, is to do something she knows she isn't supposed to? 

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yay Josey!! :D
Look out Tara! When Audrey was 8 months old she started crawling, got teeth, stood up AND took her first steps at the end of 8mo.! She looks like she's gonna take after her and start doing everything at once now! :)