Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7 months old!

Josey turned 7 months old last week. Wow, what a difference since last month! She is so mobile now! She isn't lifting her belly off the floor yet, but gets everywhere with her "inch worm" crawl. And, yes, still into anything and everything that isn't a kids toy.

One thing Josey loves, is books. She loves to be read to, her all time favorite is, "Mr. Brown Can Moo. Can You?", by Dr. Seuss. I make it really animated and exaggerate all the noises in the book,  she giggles a lot when I read it to her. If Josey is in a fussy mood, most of the time this book can take her out of it.

She is sitting up pretty well now. We've tried putting her in the grocery cart seat and she's still a bit to small. I look forward to her sitting in there! Because they don't make car seats that clip on the cart anymore and she takes up quite a bit of room in the basket, or the car seat won't fit in the basket at all. Thankfully, Josey ALMOST fits in the grocery cart seat!

I put a video clip of Josey saying "Mama" on here awhile ago. It was cool thing to say for a little over a week and then it stopped. For that week everything was "Mama". Screaming it when she went to bed, crawled, ate, sat up, and while she was playing. We were so excited and told everyone about it, then she stopped saying "Mama" for about 3 weeks. Josey's cool new words were "Nigh, Ning, Nigh". Stinker. Last week Josey started saying "Mama" again, and hopefully it's here to stay because I LOVE IT!

We took Josey in the pool with Tante Kelsey a few times, and Josey loves it! At first, she hung on real tight to get used to the water (it was warm). Once that 2 minutes was over, I couldn't hardly hold onto her anymore! She kicks and splashes like crazy! Each time she splashes, even the tiniest splash by her face, you hear her hold her breath real loud. It is so cute! We have a true water baby! I'm really excited about that. While I was growing up, all of us kids were on some kind of swim team, or swimming at the beach or lake. I plan on taking Josey to baby swimming lessons next year, and to keep her involved in it. It is very important to me that my kids can swim well from a young age.

Here's my latest picture of Josey! One of her favorite things to do is snuggle up by her Daddy!

In other news, we are planning on going to Minnesota for a few days. We are leaving Saturday morning, and will be gone most of the week. Casey has gone there many times growing up, I'm excited to see it! We are going with Casey's Grandpa, who will be fishing with Casey most of the time. I plan on parking on the beach by lake, with Josey, and not moving! We're definitely bringing the camera, so I hope to share pictures when we get back!

Hope you get to go on a quick getaway this summer too!

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