Monday, July 25, 2011

Salad and a Mixture of Topics..


Our little fishing trip to Minnesota didn't end up happening. That is okay.

Casey's Grandma hasn't been feeling well, and the whole McCausland family came together to support her. Which is what family is all about! Thankfully, Grandma is on the mend! I think we might go see her tonight and bring her some dinner :)

Speaking of Grandma's dinner.... I want to make Chicken Romaine Salad for her. It's been blazing hot outside and this is my take on a "summer chicken soup". It would be ridiculous to bring soup to someone in this weather.

So here is the recipe!

-Chicken Romaine Salad-

3 medium heads romaine lettuce, cut into strips
2-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cooked and chopped, or grilled on the BBQ
8 ounces tri color twist pasta, cooked, rinsed, and drained

1/2 cup mayo
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced

Make dressing a few hours ahead and refrigerate, to let all the flavors blend together. Then, cook the chicken and pasta. Chop the romaine lettuce, and the chicken. Toss everything together with the dressing, and refrigerate for at least another half hour before serving. (If you can wait that long, most of the time I cant!)

Make it! It's awesome and the leftovers are even better! I wish I had a picture to share, because it's a beautiful salad. Maybe I'll take a picture of it tonight and post it for you, to make you hungry and have no choice but to make it.
          .... after making this a few days ago I would suggest doubling the dressing ....

Something exciting happened this weekend! My sister-in-law, Kelsey, got engaged! So happy and excited for her, and her fiance! Ah! SO EXCITED!

Josey has been teething for the past week. No teeth yet :( Today and yesterday she's been acting more normal. The days before that, WATCH OUT! She had never been such a sad fussy little girl. Poor baby.  Hopefully I will have news of a tooth (or teeth) soon and can show a picture. I told Casey's mom that for  all the work and fussiness Josey is going through now, I sure hope there will be more than one tooth. We'll see!

Ooo! I must share THE BEST teething advice. If your baby has soothie pacifiers, fill them with water and stick them in the freezer, then let your baby gnaw on their frozen pacifier. I always make sure I grab the little bit of ice that falls out. Josey already wants her pacifier all the time with her teething, and this is the best medicine for her lately! (Thank you Rebecca H.!)

And I need to mention, I have said I'm going to show you my house and haven't done it yet. Don't worry, I will! You just don't want to see it today... I promise!

Now, go make some pasta salad, or some kind of food to keep you cool, and have a good rest of the day!

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